The cast of the Marilyn Monroe Lifetime Series was shot on Stage 2 at our West Hollywood Studios by Kevin Lynch.
2 of Glamour UK’s “Women of the Year” award winners, Kerry Washington & Kate Hudson were shot on Stage 2 at our West Hollywood Studios.
Will Forte’s feature in the April issue of Vanity Fair was shot on Stage 2 at our West Hollywood studios.
Shot on Stage 2 at the West Hollywood Studios.
Stevie Nicks graces the cover of Rolling Stone Magazine for the first time since 1981
During their wedding on Stage 2 at the West Hollywood studios, 2 newlyweds got surprised by Kevin Hart & Josh Gad who were doing a photo shoot in another stage.
Shot on Stage 2 at the West Hollywood Studios
Shot on Stage 2 at the West Hollywood Studios
Shot on Stage 2 at the West Hollywood Studios
Shot on Stage 2 at the West Hollywood Studios